The Toxicity of Hustle Culture

Now, my friend, have you noticed that you are unknowingly a part of the hustle culture? Having said that, there is a question about what hustle culture is. I’ll give you an illustration. With the alarm’s sound, you awaken. What should you do first? You will check your phone, right? What will others say of

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Five Ways to Maintain Eye Health

Your eye health is crucial to your overall well being. The majority of people use their eyes to view and analyze the world around them. However, some eye conditions can result in vision loss, making early detection and treatment of eye conditions crucial. If your doctor suggests it or if you notice any new vision

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How Sitting Affects Your Body

While we drive, we sit. We work while sitting. As we eat, we sit. We watch TV while seated. And if you’re anything like me, you endure the feelings of guilt that come from ignoring your hourly warnings to stand up while you’re doing all this sitting. You’re probably reading this article while sitting down.

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