Nowadays, it seems that being busy is viewed as a sign of success in the office. In actuality, a worker is not really valued if they can do a task in two hours and have the rest of the day free. Workers who do the same task in 8 hours are typically preferred by employers because they appear to be dedicated and hardworking. Many people start to “fake busy” as a result of a culture that focuses its attention on the wrong things. (And occasionally they are unaware of it.)

If you ask me, what does “fake busy” actually mean?

When you give the appearance of being busy by concentrating on unimportant tasks rather than crucial ones, you are said to be “fake busy.”

I was once a fake-busy person as well. Every weekend, I would have a meeting that lasted anywhere between four and eight hours. The funny thing is, I didn’t even look at most of the meeting’s outcomes because they weren’t that helpful.

So, the question is:

A gathering has no use if it is not beneficial. Sadly, this perfectly sums up the culture of our business. The truth is that it isn’t worth it and could harm your mental health as well. I recall bragging to my parents and friends about how busy I was. (I’m feeling burned out.)

What symptoms indicate “fake busy” then?

1. Attending numerous pointless meetings (every day or every week)

Meetings are a crucial part of coordinating work and people in any corporate organization. Still, the majority of us would agree that many of these meetings are ineffective and might be managed far better. These have a negative impact on people’s morale, which reduces production, teamwork, and everyone’s well-being.

2. Micromanagement (following up a few times per day)

One of the poorest and most harmful methods of managing employees is micromanagement. It can negatively impact people’s health in the long run and seriously harm productivity and employee retention.

3. Wanting face-to-face communication when online chat is available, and they appear to rush and exaggerate their tasks

Fakely busy coworkers exaggerate their achievements, point the finger at others for their failings, interrupt others, and take credit for others’ efforts. Your productivity will suffer as a result of his or her actions, which can potentially have long-term negative effects on your mental health.

I suggest the following if you see yourself pretending to be busy:

1. Quit becoming distracted by little matters and master the art of prioritizing crucial tasks

You’ll be able to do this to quickly determine which tasks you should concentrate on and which ones you may ignore. Your success is heavily influenced by your ability to identify between important and urgent jobs. Recognize the value of leisure activities (meeting your friends or playing games).

2. Look after your mental well-being

Try to keep doing the things you find fulfilling and delightful, such as reading a book, playing with your pet, cooking for yourself or your loved ones, or walking in the park. You can maintain good mental health by following a regular schedule that includes enjoyable activities.

4. If you’re under too much stress at work, then resign

Quitting can be challenging and should not be a decision that is made quickly. It may be time to think about leaving your job or even asking for fewer responsibilities if work stress negatively impacts your health.