Be the Cool Kid And Shop Ethically

Every now and then, we all need to go shopping and purchase stuff, but have we ever thought about the beneficial and negative effects of our purchasing habits on the environment and society? Why is ethical buying important to us? It benefits the environment since many businesses and brands are responsible for a variety of

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How Sitting Affects Your Body

While we drive, we sit. We work while sitting. As we eat, we sit. We watch TV while seated. And if you’re anything like me, you endure the feelings of guilt that come from ignoring your hourly warnings to stand up while you’re doing all this sitting. You’re probably reading this article while sitting down.

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What Makes Us More Attractive

Most of us take our appearance far too seriously. This is unreasonable given that body shaming and prejudice based on skin tone are prevalent in our society. When I was younger, I experienced the frustration and depression that can result from such discrimination. But as I grew older, I began to realize that there are

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6 Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

Knowing a second language in the 21st century is advantageous and required for success in life. As the global economy continues to globalise, different communities and cultures are increasingly touching one another. Businesses and employers are looking for candidates who can operate in the current global economy. Students can acquire these skill sets by studying

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